Podcasts and Socials
CRC Podcasts
Several times a year we release our own podcast which features members of the club and helps us spread our reach out beyond our membership and helps inform others of what we are doing, giving tips and guidance on various topics, and highlighting the progress that people are making within the group.
These podcasts are available on Spotify and we very much recommend you having a listen to them. You never know, you might be featuring in a future episode one day!
Episode One – Introduction – First Birthday
Episode Two – Rugby League Clubs Marathon and Couch To 5k
Episode Three – CRC’s Guide to Marathons and Ultra Marathons
Episode Four - CRC’s Guide to Setting Goals and Targets
CRC Social Media
CRC are on Facebook and Instagram.
Our external facing Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/carletonrunning and our Instagram page is at https://www.instagram.com/carletonrunning
We also have a Members Only Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/carletonrunningmembersonly , that is only accessible by people who are paid up members of the club. If you’ve recently joined the club and have paid your membership, please speak to one of the Coaches or Run Leaders who will be able to give you access.