Club Documentation
England Athletics have produced a set of Club Standards in line with legal legislation and Sport England’s code of sports governance to help clubs understand what they should have in place for good governance and duty of care.
E.A. created a Club Standards checklist and Carleton Running Community are proud to be fully compliant on all of these standards.
The benefits of having the standards in place are that it helps clubs to:
be legally compliant
protect and support volunteers in their roles
ensure members are accessing club activities safely, protecting them from harm, incidents and accidents
minimises club issues and conflicts
gives their members the confidence that the volunteers have the interests of the club at heart and are making decisions based on what is right for the club
engage with their members so they understand how the club operates and can contribute to the success
have happier members, less churn, bigger growth and perform better
save time when policies or procedures need to be adopted.
Club Membership Form
Please complete our online form here
Club Policies and Procedures
In Case of Emergency (ICE) Procedure
Grievance and Disciplinary Policy
Health and Safety Risk Assessment Policy